Als Schenkung bezeichnet man das Rechtsgeschäft mit dem eine Person (der so genannte Schenker) das Vermögen einer anderen Person (der s.g. Beschenkte) ohne jegliche Gegenleistung bereichert. Die Zuwendung des Vermögenswertes...
The services of the Reichel Law Firm are strongly oriented towards real estate law, with particular attention to disputes in a European and extra-European context.
For 20 years we have consolidated our legal consultancy activity, always maintaining high levels of quality in our work. Reichel Law Firm has developed a series of partnerships in various countries in the European area (France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).
Italian Law
- Real estate (agreements and litigation
- Commercial law (agreements and litigation)
- Labour and employment law (contracts and litigation)
- Agency and distributorship (agreements and litigation)
- Debt recovery
- Company and corporate law
- Family law (separation, divorce and child law)
- Inheritance and gifts (counselling and litigation)
- Enforcement proceedings
- Computer law
- Penal and criminal law
- Insurance law, Professional negligence, Personal injury claims
Immobilien in Italien: in 5 Schritten zur eigenen Immobilie!
Um den Traum von der eigenen Immobilie wahr werden zu lassen bedarf es einiger Schritte, die im Folgenden für einen ersten, schnellen Überblick beim Erwerb zwischen Privatpersonen skizziert werden. 1.... -
Real estate purchase in Italy for Chinese citizens
A short guide to get a real estate in Italy. Rules in force among Italy and China: main options and fulfilments. Due to Italian law, foreign citizens may purchase real...
German Law
- Real estate (agreements and litigation)
- Commercial law (agreements and litigation)
- Labour and employment law (contracts and litigation)
- Agency and distributorship (agreements and litigation)
- Debt recovery
- Company and corporate law
- Family law (separation, divorce and child law)
- Inheritance and gifts (counselling and litigation)
- Enforcement proceedings
- International law, foreign judgements execution
- Employment law
- Public law
- Insurance law, Professional negligence, Personal injury claims
Suisse Law
- Company law and company incorporation (including the use of office facilities)
- Relocation and registration of companies in Switzerland (including acquisition of premises)
- Family law – divorce
- Inheritance and gifts
- Copy right
- Debt recovery
- Foreign judgements execution